My Ghostbusters Afterlife

Since the teaser trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife (Ecto-Containment Blog Post: January 2, 2020) was released on December 9, 2020 I haven’t posted much at Ecto-Containment about Ghostbusters: Afterlife or related merchandise. I’ve been meaning since 2020 (“better late then never”) to write a post before ever getting to the day where I’d be sharing the trailers about my personal life/why I haven’t updated Ecto-Containment often. No one has asked, I have written personal posts when I felt I needed to.

The day Sony released the now iconic Ghostbusters: Afterlife teaser trailer I was on vacation. Not any vacation, my first international one! I was in Jamaica (a blog post I should write) with my then girlfriend and her then family in part to celebrate her parents 50th wedding anniversary. On December 9, 2019, my still then girlfriend and I watched the teaser after I knew it had been released on my new iPhone 8. Which is about paid off. Being in a foreign country and not having my computers with me, I knew I wouldn’t be writing about Ghostbusters: Afterlife probably until January 2020.

I returned to the US and went back to work (day and night shifts) at a major grocery chain. Where within the month I celebrated the holidays and before New Years Eve proposed to my then finance.

It was January 2020, we had a wedding to plan! My work schedule continued to be what it needed to be. Before long I started hearing about a virus that began in China. Like a lot of people far away you don’t think it will be a problem where you live. I’m sure like a lot of Americans, (as I live in the US) I continued living my life as I usually would. Then March rolled around. Pretty much everyone in the world began dealing with Coronavirus.

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Ecto-Containing In Order

At the end of March I wrote (Ecto-Containment Blog Post, March 30, 2021) how it didn’t occur to me that Sony Pictures might not always upload episodes of The Real Ghostbusters (Ecto-Containment Page) and Extreme Ghostbusters (Ecto-Containment Page) in order of how they originally aired to their Ghostbusters YouTube account.

To date, Sony has uploaded two separate episodes when they celebrated St. Patrick’s Day. In my last post about “out of order” episodes I had decided to embed episodes and order them as how Sony uploaded them.

Since then as I prefer a chronological listing, I’ve rearranged and added official episodes of both series to Ecto-Containment, straight from Ghostbusters YouTube account.

With 7 seasons of The Real Ghostbusters and 40 episodes from Extreme Ghostbusters, I’ve added new pages for organization and faster loading times.

*Edit* September 27, 2021: Restored Episodes pages with official links.


Sony Getting Real Extreme (Not) In Order

I wrote on March 12, 2021 about how Sony Pictures are uploading episodes of The Real Ghostbusters (Ecto-Containment Page) and Extreme Ghostbusters (Ecto-Containment Page) to their Ghostbusters YouTube account.

What didn’t occur to me was that Sony might not always upload episodes in order of how they aired. That’s what happened beginning with St. Patrick’s Day. They added special “holiday” themed episodes from both series.

  • Season 2: Episode 40: The Scaring Of The Green (The Real Ghostbusters)
  • Season 1: Episode 21: The Luck Of The Irish (Extreme Ghostbusters)

I don’t know if they’ll continue to do this. Which had me thinking, well how am I going to order them at Ecto-Containment? For now I’ve decided to list them in the order Sony uploads them. In time I could eventually re-order them by how they aired, either with or without embedding them.


Sony Getting Real Extreme On YouTube

About a month ago Sony Pictures began to upload weekly episodes of The Real Ghostbusters (Ecto-Containment Page) to their Ghostbusters YouTube account. Partially with Ghostbusters Afterlife (Ecto-Containment Blog Post, January 2, 2020) pushed further ahead to November 11, 2021 it makes sense for Sony to add animated episodes to their official YouTube channel while ghostheads wait.

Sony will release a “new” episode on Saturday mornings. Just like in 1980 something! Depending on how they upload each season, it’ll be around 2028 before all 7 seasons are officially available to watch on-line. By then who knows, Sony could have their own + network. Or have re-re-re-released The Real Ghostbusters completely to a new format.

For any ghosthead who doesn’t have the original Time-Life set or incomplete volume DVD sets, I’m happy generations of ghostheads have the opportunity to enjoy The Real Ghostbusters every week.

As a ghosthead who began this site to be all about The Real Ghostbusters I’ve added a new page to share Sony’s official uploads (currently early in Season 1) of The Real Ghostbusters. I will organize it further as they add new episodes and my schedule allows.

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Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Remastered) Gaming Guides


Ghostbusters: The Video Game was officially remastered (Ecto-Containment Blog Post, September 6, 2019) on Friday, October 4. I know some ghostheads have already completed the Ghostbusters game which turns 10 this year!

What if you’re stuck somewhere and need a helping hand, so to speak? Maybe need a gaming manual? Or also want to relive (maybe for the first time) the journey or reviews for Ghostbusters: The Video Game?

Ecto-Containment has ghostheads covered.

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Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary Theatrical Screenings This October


Near Labor Day in the states Sony Pictures announced that GHOSTBUSTERS™ is returning to “select” movie theaters on October 6 and October 10. What makes these screenings different then just showing the movie is the added “unearthed and rarely seen alternate takes.”

If you own the 35th Anniversary 4K/Blu-Ray, I presume the same content is featured on the discs.

Press release after the break.

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Ghostbusters The Video Game Remastered


Their was a time since 2009 and more recently in the last five years when I’d write or share Ghostbusters: The Video Game news/content. Ghostheads probably never thought their would be an update and a new official release of “Ghostbusters 3” again.

Epic Games, Saber Interactive, video game publisher Mad Dog LLC, and of course Sony Pictures is happily proving us wrong.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered is coming to your computer or next generation console on October 4, 2019.

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Spirit Halloween Ghostbusters Party

In 1980 something if you wanted to have a Ghostbusters (birthday) party, these themed items (Ecto-Containment Blog Post, January 8, 2015) were about the best your parental units were going to do.

Fast forward 31 years, (my, how Ghostbusters times have changed) Spirit Halloween has officially licensed Ghostbusters items for your upcoming Ghostbusters party or event.


Looking for Ghostbusters decor to throw a great party? Who you gonna call? This officially licensed Ghostbusters Tablecloth and Banner are the perfect way to add some ghostly haunting to your next party. The Ghostbusters are on call 24 hours a day to serve all your supernatural party needs. 

  • Officially licensed
  • Includes:
    • Tablecloth
    • Banner
  • Dimensions: 108″H x 54″W (tablecloth), 5″H x 80″W (banner)
  • Material: Cardboard, plastic
  • Imported

Opinion: A Ghostbusters tablecloth would have been perfect when I was 10. It’s great that Spirit Halloween and Sony finally have the right decor for a Ghostbusters party. Considering their have been such parties since 1984. This tablecloth could also be a really nice touch for Ghostbusters franchise events.

A Ghostbusters tablecloth could be enough, at the same price point Spirit Halloween includes a 14 linked banner that spells Ghostbusters. This is nit-picky, the second Slimer image should have been Stay-Puft.

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Spirit Halloween Ghostbusters Props


Yesterday I had some opinions about Spirit Halloween new Ghostbusters costumes. (Ecto-Containment Blog Post, August 19, 2019) The post was long and I didn’t have the time before work to talk about Spirit Halloween other Ghostbusters merchandise. This is that post.

Full disclosure I don’t own any of Spirit Halloween’s Ghostbusters items. I use to own Matty Collector Prop Toys and still own a 19 year old Proton Pack replica. Should the time come and it makes “good financial sense,” whether it’s from Spirit Halloween or elsewhere I’d like to own similar items again.


See something strange in the neighborhood? Now you’ll know who to call with this Ghostbusters Walkie Talkie. Grab one for you and all your friends and start feeling like real ghost hunters.

  • Officially licensed
  • Product Saying:
    • “Venkman! I saw it! I saw it! I saw it!”
    • “It’s right here, Ray. It’s looking at me. He’s an ugly little spud, isn’t he?”
    • “I think he can hear you, Ray. Don’t move, it won’t hurt you.”
    • *Slimer charging Venkman*
    • “He slimed me!”
  • Dimensions: 9.38″ H x 2.75″ W x 1.85″ D
  • Battery Type: 2 AA (not included)
  • Material: Plastic
  • Care: Spot clean
  • Imported
  • Note: This is a prop and not a functioning walkie talkie

Opinion: This is an interesting Ghostbusters accessory. It’s basically an 80s style Motorola walkie talkie replica. Fun name. Without their branding. The real deal can be expensive and believe it or not may still work with emergency personnel today.

If you’re putting together a costume…uh uniform and want to duplicate the look and a favorite scene from Ghostbusters, it’s great Spirit Halloween basically made a walkie talkie…with a sound chip.

That’s right, as an officially licensed product, it has 5 lines of dialogue from the only time in Ghostbusters when Peter and Ray (later a bit of Egon) talked over their walkie talkies. Depending on the volume, I feel at a con for example one may not hear the quotes. Also, like a pull string toy from childhood, the lines may get old quick without the rest of Ghostbusters.

I do like that ghost hunters, (really Spirit Halloween) have an included holster. The obvious “no ghost” logo hurts the realism of being a Ghostbuster.

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Spirit Halloween New Ghostbusters Costumes


Last year Spirit Halloween took their Ghostbusters license to the next level with new Ghostbusters costumes, prop replicas, and more. (GBI Blog Post, August 30, 2018)

Those items far as I know are still available to buy along with a storage facility full of new items.

Full disclosure I don’t own any of Spirit Halloween’s Ghostbusters items. As you may know I own a couple of Ghostbusters flight suits, (Ecto-Containment Blog Post, March 5, 2014) that don’t fit because I lost weight in the last 2 years.

When I’m able to I’ll put together a new for me Ghostbusters costume. This post is more of an overview and my opinion of what Spirit Halloween is offering this year than a review.

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Ghostbusters: Answer The Call Review


This past weekend I began reviewing the theatrical version of  Ghostbusters: Answer The Call. I realized without much planning for this one review, I couldn’t review a nearly 2 hour movie in a day, not even two. I’ve been watching Ghostbusters: Answer The Call on and off when I could for about the last five days. That seems a little much.

In the last two days as I had been reviewing Ghostbusters: ATC I was putting it on Ecto-Containment along with accompanying screen caps. Which thankfully for a multi-hour movie I didn’t have to create myself, as I normally would with animated episodes.

I reviewed Ghostbusters: Answer The Call in 4 pages. My original notes without pictures was at least page 17 halfway through. This review is similar to how I review The Real Ghostbusters episodes. I added or changed categories to fit Ghostbusters: Answer The Call.

At a later date I might talk about, not necessarily review the extended version. And in another update talk about the Blu-ray features.

Ecto-Containment Ghostbusters: Answer The Call Review

Photo Source: Fan Caps